Part 9: Episode 2: Part 4: How Sweet It Is.
Episode 2: Part 4: How Sweet It Is.

Wake up Traziun! Rise and shine buddy!

(I don't see how someone so lazy could want to be a Forerunner.)

There's few paintings to look at in the bunkhouse. The second one is an 'ugly picture by Canter', but the third...

"That's the girl in the red armor that attacked me!"
This trips a flag that won't be called for a long time. So long that you will probably forget about this long before then.
The bunkhouse woman also tells off Rhue for coming in so late.

And someone pissed on the map to try emulate morning light.

Now... Rhue refuses to speak to Kloe and Alan, Kygar (the guy Rhue thought was Strata) wont say anything, and most of the other npcs don't say anything interesting. Rhue mocks a couple of people and gets upset at a child but nothing interesting, really. One guy does reiterate the guidebooks entry on the Pharaphalyn though.

So we go speak to Cetsa to get everything started.

Would you mind telling that girl in the red helmet to get the foreman out here?

Rhue heads down to ground level again.

And then we head on over to Kloe.

This choice doesn't affect anything but the immediate dialogue.

You're not worth it!

She heads in and Rhue laughs to himself.

(I enjoyed the last part of that conversation though.)
I feel like, at times like these, an eastern influence creeps into Lun's writing.
Rhue wanders into the centre of the plunge field and looks around.

Rhue rushes off the field and to the right there.

I hope you're all as ready for today's battles as I am! May the Purpose protect and keep you all as you fight for honor, glory, and...
... a red hot kiss from yours truly!
Let's meet our first two combatants!
Kygar, please step forward!
Rhan, please step forward!

Poor Rhan didn't last long...
Meanwhil, Kygar quietly takes his place back in the crowd.

Watch and learn Rhue.

But now let us move on to the second bout of our first round!
With fiery red hair, and a sword to match, please welcome Traziun!
And his opponent... A local resident who has settled down here in Lide... Let's here (sic) it for Taram!
Let the battle begin!
The camera pans down and there's the occasional flash and ringing of swords crossing...

The same shadow we saw at the entrance both times, lurking. It watches a few passes, and then...

It then rushes to the tavern and goes inside
And when the view quickly pans back up...

Then the screen blacks out and we find ourselves looking at the skyline. It gradually pans down to...

On the first pass we just do 2 damage to each other.

Another pass of us doing equal damage...

Another pass of equal damage...

A Blade Art triggers for the first time ever.

It heals one pass of damage I guess.

On the next pass the damage starts escalating from both for no real reason. Alan does 9 and a Step 1 Injury and Rhue deals 7.

Alan's on half hp while Rhue's on light green.

Alan's Blade Art triggers too. This raises DT by a random amount. Said random amount includes 0. Which Alan gets.
On the next pass, Cool Wind AND New High both trigger. Rhue heals 6 and Alan gets... 0 DT again.
Then the next pass...

AH FUCK. This is a Step 2 Injury as well, so Rhues damage is a little worse. d4 instead of d6. Not a huge deal.

However, Alan goes down because while equal to Rhue in most every way, he has low hp.

Great! Now we do +1d4 on crits! Our 3% chance to crit!
Anyway, interesting thing about this Plunge is that you're allowed to lose it, in which case you're out of the tournament and forgo further rewards but otherwise the plot isn't impacted too much. Alan can be a tough opponent too if you're even a bit unlucky and/or didn't absorb that Lyn Rock early, and/or a few heartstones. The Plunge is essentially totally random at this point, which is one of its big flaws. Even when we have lots of blade arts and link attacks, it's still pretty random, but at least there you can apply SOME strategy.

However, there is a group that will be making a trip to a nearby monster den.
Anyone who wants to can go. And as we all know, monster dens often hold many treasures.
So if you want to go just stay here and everyone will be getting together.
Thank you! I'll see you all tomorrow!

I'll leave this update hanging here, since it's not too bad a length. We'll get to the spelunking next time.
We'll find out just how badly a monster den trip can go even with a pack of experienced fighters.
the end